Monthly Archives: September 2014

Reusing, recycling everyday things.

We keep all our onion, garlic red mesh bags that they come in from the shop and give most to our neighbour who stores his harvested organic garlic in them to allow the air to circulate to prevent moisture build up or mould.


He rewards us with his home-grown garlic throughout the year. I would keep some bags to use myself but my six garlic heads that survived last season seem a bit pathetic compared to the neighbour’s bounty.


Speaking of red things – the Bottlebrush (Callistemon) trees around our house & suburb are looking spectacular with whole trees completely covered from top to bottom with masses of red bottlebrush flowers seemingly suffocating the trees with such magnificent displays.


Yes they look just like household bottle brushes!

Whilst singing Kumbaya around the camp fire.

Crisp,cool night here in Western Australia with the Kookaburras laughing loudly in our trees as the chimenea was lit we waited until coals were glowing,put a grill on top then cooked chorizo and lamb fillets which became succulent with delicious char-grilled smokey flavour . Teamed with a pasta salad and crisp fried potatoes was a feast that cost no electricity or gas to cook.
Simplicity at it’s best.

The cheaper I can live each day frees up money to pay on debt.

Making small changes to the way we live each day does not have to be depressing or miserable instead look upon it as an exciting challenge on how to really stretch our money and lead a fulfilling, non-consumerism life.
Join me in this journey of high’s and low’s, tear’s and laughter and pushing the boundaries of my small income and large debt.